Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Creating a "Glow" effect when an input box gets focus, using CSS

With a wide range of devices today, a user can access web forms (eg: registration form, email form...etc), from any of those. It is a good practice to give visual feedback on which field the user is, esp for mobile devices where spotting the cursor can be a bit tricky. 

This problem is effectively solved by providing a visual "glow" around the form entity having focus, as shown below.
As you can see, in above example, when the input box gets focus, a blow "glow" appears. Notice that there is a "transition" effect . Check out the CSS tab above to find out how its done.

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Thursday, January 03, 2013

I wish I knew these before.... but its NEVER too late!

This is going to be an ever expanding post. I come across a lot of technical tips to do something more efficiently , compared to what I was doing before to achieve the same results. This post is a documentation of these technical tid bits, primarily for my own documentation & reference.

Reference Websites

SAP ABAP Programming Language

Deleting Leading 0s from a variable

While SAP stores data in transparent tables with leading 0s (eg: Purchase Order is 10 chars long, but most customers use a number range which puts the PO in 7-8 char length), when it comes to presentation, esp in HTML 5 web applications, these leading 0s become a sore spot. 

Using function module : CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT
