Monday, November 30, 2009

Mapping MobileMe iDisk in Windows

I have a mobile Me account, which is integrated with my IPhone. The subscription comes with a 20GB space for storage. However, I rarely use it to upload photos..etc, and the space is pretty much a waste.

So, I started exploring ways by which I could use that space as an online storage of my files (Something like Drop Box, but have much more space)

The following steps details how to map a network drive in windows 7 to the iDisk folder:

  1. Open windows explorer, and go to Tools—> Map Network Drives…If the “Tools” menu is not visible, try pressing the “ALT” key
  2. In the network drive mapping dialog, enter the folder path as :<username>, where, <username> is your signin userid which you use at image
  3. Check the “Connect Using Different Credentials” checkmark
  4. Click on “finish”, and enter your mobileme credentials when asked. Thats it!!!

Enjoy putting your iDisk in Mobile Me account, to use.